About Us
Class Timetable
Where To Find Us

10amJust Dance Adults - Fun & friendly dance class for adults, using different styles of dance as exercise!Reighton Village Hall
3.30pmZumbAtomic Big Starz - For pupils at Wold Newton SchoolWold Newton School
6.15pmZumbAtomic - The crazy-cool dance-fitness workout for kids (ages 4-12) set to hip-hop, salsa, reggaeton and more!Hunmanby Community Centre
7.30pmZumba - The Latin-inspired dance workout. Come and join the party and see what all the fuss is about.Hunmanby Community Centre
10amLatin and Ballroom Dancing - No partner necessaryHunmanby Community Centre
11amJust Dance Adults - Fun & friendly dance class for adults, using different styles of dance as exercise!Hunmanby Community Centre
3.30pmZumbAtomic Lil' Starz - For pupils at Wold Newton SchoolWold Newton School
6pmShow Class - See Zoe for further detailsMuston Village Hall
10amZumba - The Latin-inspired dance workout. Come and join the party and see what all the fuss is about.Burton Fleming Village Hall
3.30pmZumbAtomic Big Starz - For pupils at Filey Junior SchoolFiley Junior School
5.15pmRosettes - Latin, Ballroom and Freestyle from age 3+Patricia Lindley School of Dancing Room 69, The Evron Centre, Filey
6pmLatin and Ballroom Dancing - Age 7+Patricia Lindley School of Dancing Room 69, The Evron Centre, Filey
6.45pmFreestyle and Rock & Roll - Dance routines using up to date music, incorporating some street dance from age 7+Patricia Lindley School of Dancing Room 69, The Evron Centre, Filey
7.30pmIntermediate Line DancingPatricia Lindley School of Dancing Room 69, The Evron Centre, Filey
10amZumba - The Latin-inspired dance workout. Come and join the party and see what all the fuss is about.Patricia Lindley School of Dancing Room 69, The Evron Centre, Filey
11.15amZumba Gold - It takes the Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. What stays the same are all the elements the Zumba Fitness-Party is known for: the zesty Latin music,the exhilarating, easy-to-follow moves; and the invigorating, party-like atmosphere.Patricia Lindley School of Dancing Room 69, The Evron Centre, Filey
6pmBeginner Latin and Ballroom Dancing - Complete beginner, no partner required!Hunmanby Community Centre
7pmZumba - The Latin-inspired dance workout. Come and join the party and see what all the fuss is about.Hunmanby Community Centre
3.45pmJust Dance Kids - Dance class incorporating various styles of dance for children age 7+Hunmanby Community Centre
6pmAdvanced Latin and Ballroom DancingPatricia Lindley School of Dancing Room 69, The Evron Centre, Filey
6.45pmBeginner/Improver Latin and Ballroom Dancing - No partner necessaryPatricia Lindley School of Dancing Room 69, The Evron Centre, Filey
9.30amZumba - The Latin-inspired dance workout. Come and join the party and see what all the fuss is about.Staxton Village Hall

For further information on classes call or text Zoe on 07968 076679 or at zoe_ruston@hotmail.com


International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA) - http://www.idta.co.uk

Solo Style - http://www.solostyledance.com

Zumba Fitness - http://www.zumba.com       

Tuesday Morning Latin and Ballroom Class!..............

The show team preparing for 'Stars of Tomorrow' at Bridlington Spa!